Overwhelmed woman fanning suffering heat stroke

Battling Postpartum Night Sweats

Nobody said postpartum was glamorous! There’s a whole list of “non-glamorous” things you’ll be dealing with after having a baby but today we’re talking about the dreaded Night Sweats (*dun dun duuunnn*).

You go to bed after a long day, feeling pretty good, only to wake to find you’re lying in a pool of your own sweat for no apparent reason. Don’t freak out, it’s completely normal. When pregnant, your body is doubling the amount of blood in your system and holding onto water. After giving birth, all that water has to go somewhere as your body returns to a pre-pregnancy state, and, unfortunately, it comes out in the form of sweat…lots and lots of sweat.

You may feel like you’re clammy all day long, and may notice an odor coming from you even though you just showered that morning. Totally normal…unfortunately. Here’s some ways you can battle those pesky Night Sweats (or All Day Sweats):

Wear Lightweight, Breathable Clothing

Think cotton and natural-fibered clothing that’s loose-fitting and airy. Steer clear of synthetic fabrics and anything super tight or bulky. But the best option is to, well, just sleep naked!

Lay Down a Towel

Put a towel on your bed where you lay and get another to go over your pillow. This will save you from having to change or wash your bedding every day. You can even purchase a waterproof mattress cover to put under your sheets to protect your mattress from any moisture.

Turn on the A/C or Open a Window

If you’re feeling HOT and sweaty, cool down the room. Crank up the A/C, turn on a fan, open a window if it’s cool outside. Your partner can wear snow gear to bed if they want to complain about how cold it is. (just kidding……..kinda.)

Powder Your Bum

…well, your whole body really. Get some talc-free powder and smooth that goodness all over to absorb any excess moisture and prevent a rash.

Remember, this is all temporary. The postpartum sweats will stop. Your body was only holding onto so much water and once it’s gone, the sweating will be done.

Keep up your fluids during this time though. I know it sounds counterintuitive to be putting MORE fluids in when you’re trying to STOP the sweating, but your body is releasing the tons of fluid during this time, and you’ll have to replenish those fluids by drinking plenty of water, ESPECIALLY if you’re breastfeeding. Chug a big glass of water if you wake up one morning in your own personal bed pool.

In conclusion, stay comfortable (even if it means your partner is not), stay dry (as much as postpartum-ly possible), and stay hydrated (really can’t stress this one enough). You’ll get through this phase, and you’ll no longer be the sweaty kid of the family soon. I promise.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you suspect you have a fever, take your temperature. If it’s anything over 100.4°F, call your provider.

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