Portrait of joyful young dark skinned female enjoying new babywear for carrying toddler, making life easier. Happy housewife smiling after she finished cleaning, with her child sleeping in baby sling

10 Benefits of Babywearing

You may notice, especially in those first precious months, that your baby is calmest when being held. And as much as you may enjoy this time with your little one, you may also be stressing about all the things you could be doing if you didn’t have your hands occupied. Babywearing has been around for centuries and is still very prominent in countries around the globe, with rising popularity in the US in recent years. People are seeing and understanding the benefits of babywearing within their first few times of doing it, but did you know there’s more benefits than just having your hands free?

1. Makes Daily Tasks Easier

Let’s start with the obvious. If you could hold your baby without using your arms, you’ve got your mobility back to get daily tasks done without trying to balance a baby on your hip. Housework, making phone calls, grocery shopping, cooking…the list could go on endlessly.

2. Facilitates Parental Bonding

We can all agree that bonding with your baby is the most important part of parenthood and wearing your baby helps encourage this naturally by keeping them close. They smell your scent, hear your heartbeat, and feel emotionally close to you while being carried. You’re more likely to speak and interact with your baby and respond quickly to their cues and needs.

3. Increases Breastfeeding Rates

In a 2012 study, it was found that mothers that wore their babies had a higher rate of continued breastfeeding as their babies grew. Even if you don’t breastfeed while wearing your baby, just the fact of wearing them helps increase this rate. Meaning that wearing your baby can help you meet your goals of breastfeeding your baby for 6+ months!

4. You Can Breastfeed Discreetly

To piggyback on the last point, if you want, you can totally breastfeed with the baby in the carrier…and, spoiler alert, it’s a LOT easier than it sounds. Some quick adjustments in the positioning of your baby or the carrier and you can have your baby latched in no time. And the best part, as your baby grows and becomes more independent with their feedings, you can breastfeed in a carrier completely HANDS-FREE.

5. Aids the Transition from Womb to World

Being close to your body, hearing your heartbeat, and being wrapped up securely all simulates the environment of your womb, making your baby’s transition into this new outside world much smoother.

6. Babies Who are Worn Cry Less

You read that right….They. Cry. Less! When babies are worn, they are typically in a calm alert state and won’t cry as often as they would if they weren’t being held. Infants’ minds and emotions are developing rapidly in their first year of life and having the stability of the person(s) they trust most close by to soothe and comfort them when needed helps this growth tremendously.

7. Decreased Rates of SIDS and Flat-Head Syndrome

When a baby is held or worn, their blood pressure stabilizes and body temperature is regulated making the risk of SIDS decrease. Babies can get Flat-Head Syndrome from lying on their backs for extended periods of time. By wearing them for a portion or majority of the day, you’re greatly decreasing this risk.

8. Traveling with Baby is Quicker and Easier

Wearing your baby while running errands or traveling is much easier because you aren’t having to lug around strollers from one place to the next. Strap that baby on you and go!

9. It’s Good for Baby’s Cognitive and Social Development

With your baby’s needs met, they can spend more time in a calm state, giving them the ability to experience and interact with the world around them. By being close to their parent, they can hear and see everything you hear and see and absorb more information throughout the day.

10. Decreased Risk of Postpartum Depression

Research has shown that having ample skin-to-skin bonding time with your baby can decrease the risk of Postpartum Depression. Having this bonding time with your baby in the beginning of their life can help your transition into parenthood and give you confidence in your ability to care for your baby and meet their needs. Wearing your baby makes it easier to get out and about and decrease the feeling of isolation by going for walk or spending time with friends and loved ones.

If you’re looking for more information about different baby carriers, check out my FREE Pregnancy Planning Mini Guide for a list of my absolute favorites. And be sure to check out my recent video on YouTube all about the Solly Baby wrap carrier with a quick tutorial of how to wear it.

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